Reflections for the Month of May

As the last weeks of Easter lead us to Pentecost, ‘normality’ has not yet been declared. With the power of technology many events are trying to restart or at least open up new avenues to reach other audiences. Distance has become no longer a barrier to float an idea, or link with someone we’ve lost touch with. We can find a Mass anywhere in the world and in any language. We can join conversations in Australia or Canada just as easily as with our neighbours in the street we live on. Zooming is no longer ‘for da kids’ but many older generations can escape as well. Of course, it can be difficult, even trying at times to navigate the array of tools, apps and terms that proliferate in the Web.

The Church has always been at the forefront of change and challenges to take the Good News to the bounds of the world – to the Americas and Antipodes, across deserts and oceans so that Jesus Christ may be known to all people. These are times for great charity, education, love, sacrifice and for the church to welcome other creeds, beliefs and peoples.

It is generally at times of struggle, persecution and hardship that our faith can grow and bloom. So rather than feeling disillusioned and downhearted we need to be seeing the greater good that is calling us to go further by the Spirit that made Pentecost.

Calendar for May, Easter & Ordinary Time I, Year B

1st        St Joseph the Worker

3rd       Ss Philip & James  Apostles

4th      The English Martyrs  National (Diocesan) Calendar

13th     The Ascension of Our Lord  Solemnity

14th     St Matthias  Apostle Martyr

23rd     Pentecost Sunday

24th     Mary, Mother of the Church

25th     Bede the Venerable  National Calendar

26th     St Philip Neri

27th     Jesus Christ, Eternal High Priest  Feast National Calendar

29th     St Paul VI  Pope

31st      The Visitation  Feast