Reflections for the Month of December

Shortly, the ‘Year of St Joseph’ will end. It has not had the impact that was hoped for, but maybe in its final week we could reflect on the life he had and on his guardianship of the child Jesus growing up in Nazareth. The skills that his trade might have engendered, the patience, endurance, imagination, accuracy, plus strength, honesty and the generosity one would expect of his role. We hear so little of him in the Gospels, but we do know his family took refuge in Egypt, so he would understand the plight of today’s refugees. His loyalty to Mary when her child was conceived shows us a wise and honourable man, willing to go the extra mile for those in his care. All men, fathers especially, would not find a better example to imitate. Continue reading “Reflections for the Month of December”

Reflections for the Month of November

This month ends Year B at Advent. We see autumn takes hold and nature dies back into the soil reminding us again to remember all those who have died and offer our prayers for their repose, trusting in God to take them to himself. We may, especially through suffering bereavement, hold to the truth our faith gives us that nobody is lost who seeks God and our prayers can still help them in their final journey.

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