Reflections for the Month of October

October is the month for the Rosary, and its power was recognised when the whole of Christendom, led by Pope Pius V, prayed for a victory over the Ottoman forces against enormous odds in the sea battle of Lepanto on 7 October 1571.

The Church invites us to pray the Rosary each day in recognition and thanks for that great victory and the ongoing freedoms we have received. It is also a way we can ask the Holy Spirit to intervene where these freedoms have been abused or taken away. We may be ineffective politically or diplomatically to bring change and often interference proves counter-productive, as we have seen with Afghanistan and Iraq.

New initiatives are being started in our diocese, e.g. the ‘Archbishop’s Certificate’, others restarting like ‘Some Definite Service’ and CCRS course, a part of the work of the Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis, at Tooting Bec. The Pope has asked bishops to prepare for the Synod in Rome 2023 by consulting with their people as a continuation of the work of Vatican II to include ‘The People of God’ and give them a voice.

By mid-October the new Southwark Archdiocese website will be activated. Why not take a look?

Calendar for October, Ordinary Time I, Year B

1st        St Thérèse of the Child Jesus

2nd      Holy Guardian Angels

4th       St Francis of Assisi

7th       Our Lady of the Rosary

9th       St John H Newman  National Calendar

11th     St Pope John XXIII

12th     St Wilfred  National Calendar

13th     St Edward the Confessor  Diocesan Calendar

15th     St Teresa of Avila

18th     St Luke  Evangelist

22nd    St Pope John Paul II  National Calendar  

28th     Ss Simon & Jude  Apostles, Martyrs

Deacon Michael Baldry