Reflections for the Month of March

Ash Wednesday

Pope Francis and the Bishops have each appealed for a time of prayer and fasting for a peaceful outcome to the invasion of Ukraine, especially on Ash Wednesday. There are calls that a peaceful period of calm and de-escalation will prevent full-blown war. Our prayers will be heard and answered.

Year of the Family

Many of us will have missed seeing our families and friends and be keen to visit, especially where the restrictions have so far prevented that from happening. The continuing decline of the virus and less restrictions gives us the further opportunity to visit Our Lord and brother, during this Lenten season, first in the family of the Trinity, but also in His person within our earthly family in which everyone is related. But it does not need to be confined to our church, He will come to us whenever we ask for His attention. We come before Him offering ourselves, without attachments to other things but empty-handed, with only love and desire stirring our soul for the joy of His presence. It is this joy we carry in our lives that will be an attraction to others to want to come and see too.

The Holy Spirit is always active and will be our guide and support to work at evangelising (simply calling or telling) others to see Him for themselves. Many will resist and have excuses but at least they were invited. The ‘Coming Home’ invitation is a start to refresh and re-build our parishes, as there is a real need for fresh, younger volunteers to support the exhausted and more vulnerable who have been slowed down recently.

Calendar for March, Season of Lent

1st     St David  Patron in Wales (Shrove Tuesday)

Lent begins

2nd     Ash Wednesday  Fast & abstinence

17th    St Patrick  Patron in Ireland

19th    St Joseph  Solemnity  

25th    Annunciation of the Lord  Solemnity

Deacon Michael Baldry