Reflections for the Month of January

The New Year gives us the opportunity to visit Our Lord, incarnate and revealed to the nations, at His Epiphany. Unlike the Magi bringing their gifts, He is not expecting Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh, but ourselves – offered without attachment to other things, but empty-handed, with only love and desire stirring our soul and the joy of His presence. It is this joy we carry in our lives that will be an attraction to others to want to come and see too. The Holy Spirit is always active and will be our guide and support to work at evangelising (simply calling or telling) others to see Him for themselves. Many will resist and have excuses but at least they were invited.

The Diocese is hoping to rebuild the activities and programmes Covid has prevented for such a long time. The ‘Coming Home’ invitation is a start to refresh and re-build our parishes, so there is a real need for fresh, younger volunteers to support the exhausted and more vulnerable who have been slowed down recently. Much work is done online so those with a talent for technology have become a vital resource in all our parishes. Volunteering is a great way to give back in thanksgiving or simply sharing some of what we have to others. Other skills are also valued and there is always a need for those who feel they have nothing to offer. Nobody is useless, it’s discovering the hidden value each of us has that makes the church flourish; so let’s all grow in the light of the Lord.

Calendar for January, Ordinary time II, Year C

6th      Epiphany of Our Lord  Holy Day of Obligation

9th      Ordinary Time begins

12th    Aelred of Riveaux  National Calendar

17th    St Anthony

Unity Week begins 18th – 25th  January

21st     St Agnes  Martyr

22nd   St Vincent  Martyr

25th    Conversion of St Paul

26th    Sts Timothy & Titus

27th    St Angela Merici

28th    St Thomas Aquinas

31st     St John Bosco

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
18th – 25th January 2022

It first started among Christian Denominations in 1908. The theme for 2022 is:

We saw the star in the East, and we came to worship him (Mt 2:2).

It is supported by our local Churches Together groups who are planning events open to all. Materials have been prepared by the churches of the Middle East.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022 (

Deacon Michael Baldry