Reflections for the Month of March

On our journey through Lent I’ve become aware of some parallels with the plight of those lepers, who came to Jesus, and ourselves. Of course, even the worst we suffer is nowhere as bad as they suffered but many of us have suffered much. As well as those we know and love who have died, there has been isolation, face masks, washing often (as the Jewish regulations demanded), fear of contagion, despair, loss of work or income leading to debt and food poverty, loss of education, learning and attainment, especially for our children, stifled ambition becoming boredom, frustration, anger. . . But we now have hope. Just as the sick cried out to Jesus our prayers are being answered.

It is great news that the joy of Spring is promising some relief from our enforced isolation. The success of the vaccine roll-out, being taken up by so many people, is beginning to bear fruit and giving some hope for an Easter with more freedom than last year. Our healing is close at hand, but the Cross is looming. Its shadow is the promise we have that our hope is never unfounded. We must, however, remain vigilant and obedient to the guidance. Now is not the time to let our guard down. The rules are to protect us and our neighbour too. We are always at risk in this world. The Pandemic is a wake-up call to change the way we have lived, no longer for ourselves but for the safety and security of everyone. It is a clarion call to always be ready to account for our lives, as and when we are called before our Creator.

Calendar for March, Lent & Passiontide, Year B

1st        St David  Feast – Patron of Wales

17th     St Patrick  FeastPatron of Ireland

19th     St Joseph  Feast – Patron of the Church

25th     The Annunciation  Solemnity

Sidcup Changes

We offer our thanks to Fr John Diver for his time of service at St Lawrence’s, and a safe move to his new flock and ministry. We welcome Fr Paul Kyne to our deanery. To both let us pray for their safety and wellbeing at this difficult time.