St Stephen's RC Church


A picture of the front of the church

Latest newsletter: Sunday, 28th July 2024

Welcome to the website of St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Church, Welling. St Stephen's is situated in the Bexley Deanery in the Archdiocese of Southwark, and has a weekly Mass-going congregation of around 500. It is a lively parish with plenty of activities to get involved in.

The parish includes St. Stephen's Primary School which is situated just next door to the church. It has been recognised as an outstanding school by Ofsted and the Diocese of Southwark.

If you are trying to locate the Church, here is a map. Clicking the blue link will open the map, and closing the map window will return you to this page.

This site contains useful information for parishioners and non-parishoners alike; to navigate the site, use the buttons down the left hand side of the screen. Most photos on this site can be enlarged by clicking them, and hovering the mouse pointer over a photo will bring up a caption.

If you are new to the parish, or indeed have been going for some time and haven't really made yourself known yet, have a look at the groups section of this website to see what you could get involved in. The contact people would be delighted to hear from you.

For up-to-date news and articles visit the Living Water Blog. You'll see the most recent posts on our Twitter feed in the right-hand sidebar of the site.


It is now possible to make your parish contribution electronically via either Dona or PayPal. Both services can take payments online using the buttons below.

Dona payments require a debit/credit card and can also be made with contactless or Chip & PIN at the digital collection plate in church. You have the option to gift aid your donation and any future donations you make using your card.

PayPal donations can be made as a ‘one off’ or regular monthly payments and will go directly to St Stephen’s Church.